Tag: <span>poetry</span>

I’m going out to clean the pasture spring; I’ll only stop to rake the leaves away (And wait to watch the water clear, I may) I sha’n’t be gone long.—You…

From My Desk Things That Matter

The first few months of this year have been hard. I didn’t expect it. I thought the hardest part would be at the beginning, when I was still reeling from…

Books & Reading From My Desk

It seems like having self-confidence is a big deal these days. Dozens of self-improvement articles out there advise people to believe in themselves, to trust their instincts, to stop second-guessing…

Books & Reading Things That Matter

How many of us have already fallen short of our own expectations for the new year? *raises hand sheepishly* I don’t have resolutions this year, but I did set intentions…

Books & Reading Things That Matter

Books & Reading

Books & Reading Things That Matter

In Robert Frost’s poem “Mending Wall,” two men are building a useless wall. (Read the poem here.) The speaker of the poem and his neighbor are re-building the stone wall…

Books & Reading

Books & Reading Things That Matter

I hated analyzing poetry in English class. Like…I really hated it. Reading the poems was fine. They were interesting, and some of them spoke to me on an emotional level…

Books & Reading

Confession time: when I was little, I loved being the first person to use a new peanut butter jar. I’m not completely sure why I got so much pleasure out…

Books & Reading